Thursday, July 16, 2009

Moore than a Hangover

Scott Moore, co-writer of The Hangover served up valuable information to Fox Social Club on Wednesday. While giving some sobering details about bidness of screenwriting, Scott also mixed in an optimistic insight for those considering jumping into the fray.

Scott was an Econ major at Univ of Colorado. He also took a lot of film courses. Because the dept was so small at the time it afforded him the opportunity to try many things. He moved out to La La Land to try his hand at producing. Scott described it as being a lotta hard work but he wasn’t too successful. While working in development, he learned a co-worker, Jon Lucas, was also a writer. They decided to collaborate and sold their first project. Albeit for a small amount. Feeling a relationship that delivers is one worth continuing, they stuck with it.

And with it.

They wrote a script that would capture the interest of the town and a substantial payday from Warner Bros. The two have worked on 27 Dresses, Wedding Crashers and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. While now the toast of the town, Scott and Jon have been working together for ten years.

Scott remains grounded, pragmatic and optimistic. It doesn’t hurt that he’ll be receiving a large paycheck for The Hangover 2, get this, while someone else will be writing the screenplay.

Scott fielded questions from the group ranging from writing styles to setting career paths. He stressed the need for perseverance and felt the best scripts would eventually rise to the top.

So, there you go. Quit whining and get back to work!

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